Install SwiftBlock in Blender 2.83 for OpenFOAM on ARM64

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In this tutorial we use a Mac with M1 Silicon Chip (ARM64) and a virtualized Debian 11 ARM Container with Parallels Desktop. (You need to have a working Debian 11 with xfce4 Desktop in Parallels Desktop already set up!)

Install Blender 2.83

In Debian 11 ARM the Standard Version for Blender is 2.83, that works fine with SwiftBlock. So wen can just install it from the repository:

sudo apt install blender

Install SwiftBlock Plugin

Go to the GitHub repository of SwiftBlock and download the whole repository as a zip file:

In Blender you go to Preferences -> add ons and click on install add on.

Then you pick the zip file you just downloaded from GitHub to install the plugin.

After that click on „view – Sidebar“ and a sidebar should appear. There you just click on „SwiftBlock“.

Happy Meshing!

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